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If We Ever Needed . . .

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Dove in Fire.jpgIf We Ever Needed . . . [to continue reading please click icon]


Throughout history man has always thought that they know best how to handle that which pleases God and that which God is doing. The results of such actions normally puts God in a box, controls His impact on people and limits His power. Such was the case in king David and Solomon’s day and in our day.  

When king David brought the Ark into Jerusalem he did something that was unprecedented; he placed the Ark in an open tent. Then David left Asaph and other Levites to worship before the Ark regularly [around the clock] (1 Chronicles 16: 37). Before this, when the Ark was not leading Israel or his armies, it was placed in the Tabernacle [the Tent] behind a thick veil. No one was allowed access to the Ark except for the high priest, who could enter once a year (Hebrews 9: 7). King David broke protocol. Yet God did not condemn David or punish him for his behavior. David captured God’s heart and God was well pleased! But this form of adoration did not continue. Eventually Solomon built the temple and the glory of the Lord filled the temple (2 Chronicles 7: 1). But the Ark was placed behind a thick veil and the old protocol was reestablished. Israel stopped walking in the fullness of Holy Spirit, because the people deemed it better to put God back into a box. It’s possible that this mindset contributed to Israel’s demise from a godly nation into one of depravity, sin and bondage.

Is the church guilty of doing a similar thing today? I think so. Many have taken one of the most powerful events in church history, Pentecost, and have relegated it as being unnecessary today. They say, “Since  we now have the Bible, we no longer need the Baptism in the Holy Spirit or His gifts.” But that’s bizarre because they are saying the One who inspired the authors to write scripture is no longer useful. They also say, “We get all of the Holy Spirit we need at salvation.” Again, that’s curious because it contradicts what the Bible says about the Baptism of in the Holy Spirit and the examples given.  Many that follow these beliefs fear that an explosion of the Holy Spirit in their services will make them look foolish and scare the seeker friendly people away. Contrary to this fear, on the Day of Pentecost 3000 were added to the church (Acts 2: 41). Like the successors of David these believers feel that controlling and limiting the Holy Spirit is best. However, all that they are accomplishing is a quenching of the Holy Spirit and causing Him grief. I wonder, how much this is contributing to the corruption, perversion and immorality we’re seeing in the church today?

If we ever needed Holy Spirit inspired preaching which brings conviction, it is today, instead of the powerless words that are being spoken. If we ever needed a demonstration of His power it’s today, instead of those who have a form of godliness but deny His power. Stop quenching and grieving the Holy Spirit and let Him flow through you as a river (John 7: 38-39).

If we ever needed another Pentecost it’s today!


Pastor Rick



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Guest Tuesday, 03 December 2024