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When the Knock Comes

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devotional calender copy.jpgJesus said, Be dressed for service and keep your lamps burning,  as though you were waiting for your master to return from the wedding feast. Then you will be ready to open the door and let him in the moment he arrives and knocks” [Luke 12: 35-36 NLT]. Many look at . . . [to continue reading please click icon]

the parable of “Watchfulness” as an end time parable [Luke 12: 35-48]. But it is about waiting and what we are to do while waiting.

Over a lifetime, I’m not sure how much time a Christian spends waiting on the Lord.  When we are first saved things seem to come fast, but as we grow, God seems to pull back on the reins and things slow down and maybe even stop. It is these seasons that prepare us for His work and His blessings. This is why I think this parable is very much for today.

What are we to do while waiting? The common answer is to worship, pray and read the Bible. But Jesus went a step further in verses 42-43 by saying the steward [manager] should take care of his master’s household and fellow servants. Therefore, we must be about our Father’s business while we’re waiting. We are to live for Jesus by witnessing, praying for people, and doing good. Staying active -- including worship, prayer and Bible reading --  keeps the oil [or the Holy Spirit] flowing and our lamps burning.

After his conversion, Paul, left Jerusalem for Tarsus, where he waited. We know, however, that in his zeal he was compelled to preach the gospel (1 Corinthians 9 16). Therefore, while in Tarsus, it is safe to say that he was not idle. Paul remained in Tarsus for nearly fourteen years until he heard Barnabas’ knock on his door to to take him back to Antioch (Acts 11: 25-26) and eventually launch one of the greatest missionary ministries the world has ever known. Paul was dressed for service and his lamp was burning when the knock came!

After receiving the baptism in the Holy Spirit, Peter was used powerfully by the Lord. Acts, chapter 9 tells us that while he was in Lydda, he was used to heal Aeneas.  Then he was summoned to Joppa where Dorcas was raised from the dead, yet, Acts 9 ends with him spending many days in Joppa with Simon, a tanner. It appears his ministry may have slowed down and he was waiting. He kept  his lamp burning by praying [Acts 10]. During prayer he had a vision and then he heard the knock on Simon’s door; an escort from Cornelius came for him. This knock opened the door for the gospel to be preached to the Gentiles.


Do you find yourself in a time between the times -- a time in waiting? Are you listening for the knock? Will you be ready when the knock comes? His knock can come without a warning. He tells us to, “Be dressed and ready for service and to have our lamps burning.” Because the knock will come and He will say, “Come now, I need you.”



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Guest Thursday, 06 February 2025